Knowledge Base – AI – Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to this specialised AI knowledge base, a resource meticulously crafted to help you navigate the intricate world of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and neural networks.

Using a comprehensive list of acronyms from A to Z, this guide aims to demystify AI-specific terminology and provide you with a quick, go-to reference. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or a newcomer to the realm of AI, this knowledge base will serve as a valuable asset in understanding the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

A – A to Z AI – Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Base

AcronymFull Form / Explanation
A3CAsynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic
A/BA/B Testing
ACLAssociation for Computational Linguistics
ADAnomaly Detection
ADAMAdaptive Moment Estimation
AGIArtificial General Intelligence
AIArtificial Intelligence
AIXIA theoretical mathematical formalism for AI
ANNArtificial Neural Network
APIApplication Programming Interface
ARAugmented Reality
ARIMAAutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average
ASRAutomatic Speech Recognition
ATTNAttention Mechanism
AutoMLAutomated Machine Learning
AVAutonomous Vehicle


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
BERTBidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
BPTTBackpropagation Through Time
BNNBayesian Neural Network
BMBoltzmann Machine
BOBayesian Optimization
BOWBag of Words
BPRBayesian Personalized Ranking
BRNNBidirectional Recurrent Neural Network
BSBatch Size
BERTBidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
BLEUBilingual Evaluation Understudy (a metric for machine translation)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
CAEConvolutional Autoencoder
CARTClassification and Regression Trees
CBOWContinuous Bag of Words
CBRCase-Based Reasoning
CNNConvolutional Neural Network
CLContrastive Learning
CRFConditional Random Field
CTRClick-Through Rate
CVComputer Vision
CVAEConditional Variational Autoencoder
CLIPContrastive Language–Image Pre-training
CTComputed Tomography (often used in medical AI applications)
CUDACompute Unified Device Architecture (parallel computing platform by NVIDIA)
CTCConnectionist Temporal Classification (used in sequence modeling)
CVPRComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition (a major AI conference)
CapsNetCapsule Network


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
DNNDeep Neural Network
DRLDeep Reinforcement Learning
DTDecision Tree
DQNDeep Q-Network
DAGDirected Acyclic Graph
DBNDeep Belief Network
DDPGDeep Deterministic Policy Gradient
DRNDilated Residual Network
DSData Science
DAEDenoising Autoencoder
DLDeep Learning
DPDifferential Privacy
DDPDistributed Data Parallel
DCNNDeep Convolutional Neural Network
DFCDeep Fully Connected (network)
DKMDeep K-Means (clustering)
DoSDropout as a Bayesian Approximation
DETRDEtection TRansformer
DALINVIDIA’s Data Loading Library for AI


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
ELUExponential Linear Unit
ELMExtreme Learning Machine
ESEvolution Strategies
EBMEnergy-Based Model
ECEvolutionary Computation
EGAEvolutionary Genetic Algorithm
EKFExtended Kalman Filter
ELMoEmbeddings from Language Models
ERNIEEnhanced Representation through kNowledge IntEgration
EWCElastic Weight Consolidation
EEGElectroencephalography (common in brain-computer interface studies)
EEREqual Error Rate
EPEvolutionary Programming
EPSEpsilon (used in various contexts, e.g., epsilon-greedy strategy in reinforcement learning)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
FNNFeedforward Neural Network
FLOPFloating Point Operation
FPFalse Positive
FNFalse Negative
F1F1 Score
FCMFuzzy C-Means
FCNFully Convolutional Network
FEAFeature Extraction Algorithm
FGSMFast Gradient Sign Method
FRFace Recognition
FTRLFollow The Regularized Leader (an optimization algorithm)
FDRFalse Discovery Rate
FFTFast Fourier Transform (used in signal processing)
FLFederated Learning
FSLFew-Shot Learning
FIDFréchet Inception Distance (used to evaluate GANs)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
GANGenerative Adversarial Network
GRUGated Recurrent Unit
GAGenetic Algorithm
GBMGradient Boosting Machine
GLMGeneralized Linear Model
GPGaussian Process
GPTGenerative Pre-trained Transformer
GCNGraph Convolutional Network
GMMGaussian Mixture Model
GLoVeGlobal Vectors for Word Representation
GNMTGoogle Neural Machine Translation
GRLGradient Reversal Layer
GEPGene Expression Programming
GDBTGradient Boosted Decision Trees
GECGrammatical Error Correction
GQAGeneralized Query Answering (also a dataset)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
HMMHidden Markov Model
HRLHierarchical Reinforcement Learning
HTMHierarchical Temporal Memory
HPOHyperparameter Optimization
HPCHigh-Performance Computing
HRNNHierarchical Recurrent Neural Network
HANHierarchical Attention Network
HeNetHe Initialization (often used in the context of neural networks)
HOGHistogram of Oriented Gradients
HSICHilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion
HDBSCANHierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise
HCHierarchical Clustering
HDFSHadoop Distributed File System (common in big data contexts)
HDRHigh Dynamic Range (used in image processing)
HessianRefers to the Hessian matrix or Hessian-based methods in optimization


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
IRInformation Retrieval
IoUIntersection over Union
ICAIndependent Component Analysis
IDFInverse Document Frequency
IMDBInternet Movie Database (common dataset)
IOTInternet of Things
ISInception Score (used for evaluating GANs)
ICLRInternational Conference on Learning Representations (a major AI conference)
ICMLInternational Conference on Machine Learning (another major AI conference)
ILImitation Learning
IVInstrumental Variable (used in causal inference)
i.i.d.Independent and Identically Distributed (common statistical assumption)
IoAIntersection over Area
IFSIterated Function System (used in fractal generation)
IRLInverse Reinforcement Learning


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
JSDJensen-Shannon Divergence
JSONJavaScript Object Notation (common in data handling)
JREJava Runtime Environment (relevant for some AI tools/frameworks)
JVMJava Virtual Machine (relevant for some AI tools/frameworks)
JIJaccard Index
JITJust-In-Time (compilation, used in some deep learning frameworks)
JADEJoint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (used in ICA)
J48A popular implementation of the C4.5 algorithm in the Weka data mining tool
JPDAJoint Probabilistic Data Association (used in multi-object tracking)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
KNNK-Nearest Neighbors
KLTKarhunen-Loève Transform
KMCK-Means Clustering
KDEKernel Density Estimation
KFKalman Filter
KPIKey Performance Indicator
KKTKarush-Kuhn-Tucker (conditions in optimization)
KLDKullback-Leibler Divergence
KRKnowledge Representation
KGKnowledge Graph
KRLKnowledge Representation and Learning
KDBKnowledge Discovery in Databases
KFAKernel Fisher Analysis
K-SVDK-Singular Value Decomposition


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
LSTMLong Short-Term Memory
LRLogistic Regression
LDALinear Discriminant Analysis (or Latent Dirichlet Allocation, context-dependent)
L1L1 Norm (or Lasso regularization)
L2L2 Norm (or Ridge regularization)
LBFGSLimited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (optimization algorithm)
LFWLabeled Faces in the Wild (a dataset)
LTVLifetime Value (common in predictive analytics for marketing)
LReLULeaky Rectified Linear Unit
LOOCVLeave-One-Out Cross-Validation
LPLinear Programming
LRPLayer-wise Relevance Propagation
LSLeast Squares (as in Least Squares Regression)
LSHLocality-Sensitive Hashing
LSTLarge Scale Text (referring to processing or understanding large-scale text data)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
MLMachine Learning
MLPMulti-Layer Perceptron
MLEMaximum Likelihood Estimation
MDPMarkov Decision Process
MNISTModified National Institute of Standards and Technology (a dataset)
MFCCMel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
MTMachine Translation
MCTSMonte Carlo Tree Search
MMSEMinimum Mean Square Error
MOOCMassive Open Online Course
MIMOMultiple Input, Multiple Output
MAEMean Absolute Error
MSEMean Squared Error
MCMCMarkov Chain Monte Carlo
MRNNMultiplicative Recurrent Neural Network
MVPAMulti-Voxel Pattern Analysis


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
NLPNatural Language Processing
NNNeural Network
NLUNatural Language Understanding
NLGNatural Language Generation
NMTNeural Machine Translation
NASNeural Architecture Search
NMFNon-negative Matrix Factorization
NPNon-deterministic Polynomial (from computational complexity)
NERNamed Entity Recognition
NIPSNeural Information Processing Systems (now known as NeurIPS, a major AI conference)
NTMNeural Turing Machine
NMSNon-Maximum Suppression
NTKNeural Tangent Kernel
NRSNeural Radiance Fields
NCENoise Contrastive Estimation


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
OCROptical Character Recognition
OROperations Research
OHEOne-Hot Encoding
OLSOrdinary Least Squares
ONNXOpen Neural Network Exchange
OPTOptimal Transport
OREOnline Regression Ensemble
OMOntology Mapping
OSGDOnline Stochastic Gradient Descent
OTOptimal Transport


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
PGMProbabilistic Graphical Model
PPOProximal Policy Optimization
PSOParticle Swarm Optimization
PTPre-trained (often in the context of models)
PGPolicy Gradient
PDAPushdown Automaton
PLProgramming Language (or Predictive Learning)
PDProportional Derivative (as in PD controllers)
PACProbably Approximately Correct (learning theory)
PDEPartial Differential Equation
PerDPerceptual Distortion
PReLUParametric Rectified Linear Unit
PyTorchPython-based scientific computing package (popular for deep learning)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
QDAQuadratic Discriminant Analysis
QPQuadratic Programming
QNNQuantum Neural Network
QAOAQuantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
QMLQuantum Machine Learning
QRQuick Response (as in QR code, sometimes used in AI applications)
QISQuantum Information Science
QPUQuantum Processing Unit
QUBOQuadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization
QCQuantum Computing
QVQuantum Volume


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
RLReinforcement Learning
RNNRecurrent Neural Network
RFRandom Forest
RMSERoot Mean Square Error
RBFRadial Basis Function
ROCReceiver Operating Characteristic
RBMRestricted Boltzmann Machine
RDBMSRelational Database Management System (relevant in data contexts)
RASAAn open-source machine learning framework for automated text and voice-based conversations
ReLURectified Linear Unit
RPARobotic Process Automation
RDPRényi Differential Privacy
RSRecommendation System
RANSACRandom Sample Consensus (used in computer vision)
RCNNRegion-based Convolutional Neural Network


AcronymFull Form
SVMSupport Vector Machine
SGDStochastic Gradient Descent
SNNSpiking Neural Network
Seq2SeqSequence to Sequence
SLSupervised Learning
SOTAState Of The Art
SMOTESynthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique
SWAStochastic Weight Averaging
SAEStacked Autoencoder
SARSAState-Action-Reward-State-Action (an RL algorithm)
SVDSingular Value Decomposition
SiameseSiamese Network (used in one-shot learning)
SNRSignal-to-Noise Ratio
SPADESpatially-Adaptive Normalization (used in GANs)
SSIMStructural Similarity Index Measure (for image quality)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
TLTransfer Learning
TFTensorFlow (a popular deep learning framework)
TF-IDFTerm Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency
TPTrue Positive
TNTrue Negative
TPRTrue Positive Rate
TPUTensor Processing Unit
TRPOTrust Region Policy Optimization
TIMITA dataset widely used in automatic speech recognition
TTATest Time Augmentation
T-SNEt-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
TPUTensor Processing Unit
TRLTechnology Readiness Level
TTATest Time Augmentation


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
ULUnsupervised Learning
ULMFiTUniversal Language Model Fine-tuning
UMAPUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
UCTUpper Confidence Bound applied to Trees (used in MCTS)
U-NetA convolutional neural network architecture for biomedical image segmentation
URUser Recommendation
UCIUniversity of California, Irvine (often referred to in the context of the UCI Machine Learning Repository)
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (relevant in AI for drone navigation)
UIUser Interface (relevant in AI for human-computer interaction)
UXUser Experience (relevant in AI for human-computer interaction)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
VAEVariational Autoencoder
VGGVisual Geometry Group (referring to the VGGNet architecture)
ViTVision Transformer
VQAVisual Question Answering
VQ-VAEVector Quantized Variational Autoencoder
VLSMVariable Length Subnet Masking (relevant in neural network architectures)
ViterbiAn algorithm used in Hidden Markov Models
VLSIVery-Large-Scale Integration (relevant in hardware for AI)
VRVirtual Reality (relevant in AI for simulations and training)
VUIVoice User Interface

WBest Web Hosting

AcronymFull Form / Explanation
WGANWasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
W&BWeights & Biases (a tool for machine learning experiment tracking)
WERWord Error Rate
WMDWord Mover’s Distance
WOEWeight of Evidence (used in statistical modeling)
WARPWeighted Approximate-Rank Pairwise loss
WSLWeakly Supervised Learning
WSDWord Sense Disambiguation
WTTEWeibull Time To Event (used in survival analysis)
WWWWorld Wide Web (relevant in AI for web data extraction and analysis)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
XAIExplainable Artificial Intelligence
XORExclusive OR (a fundamental operation in neural networks and logic)
XMLeXtensible Markup Language (used in data representation)
XGBoostExtreme Gradient Boosting (a machine learning algorithm)
XLNetA generalized autoregressive pretraining model for NLP
XNNeXplainable Neural Network
XLAAccelerated Linear Algebra (a domain-specific compiler for linear algebra, used in TensorFlow)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
YOLOYou Only Look Once (a real-time object detection system)
YARNYet Another Resource Negotiator (used in Hadoop)
YNNYann Neural Network (a playful reference to Yann LeCun, a pioneer in deep learning)


AcronymFull Form / Explanation
ZSLZero-Shot Learning
ZFNetZeiler & Fergus Network (a convolutional neural network architecture)
ZCAZero Component Analysis (a type of whitening transformation)
ZKPZero-Knowledge Proof (relevant in cryptographic contexts within AI)